Jeff will lead the Communications Counsel, reviewing materials, conducting interviews, and developing the Case for Support. Jeff Bradley grew up in the story telling region of the Southern Appalachians. He began his writing career as a part-time correspondent for The New York Times, Time, and Newsweek, reporting on environmental issues and business topics and writing feature stories about Tennessee. After serving as Development Director at Harvard University, Jeff became a freelance development writer specializing in campaign case statements, feasibility studies and supporting materials for colleges, museums, independent schools, and medical centers. His clients have included the University of Chicago, King’s College (UK), University of Delaware, Durham University(UK), University of Georgia, The Johns Hopkins University, various schools of The George Washington University. In the performing arts world, he has written for the Atlanta Ballet and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. In healthcare, Jeff has composed campaign materials for the Cleveland Clinic, the American Cancer Society, Loma Linda University Health, and the medical school of the University of Chicago.